Halloween Tricks for Healthy Teeth
Here are 3 tips (tricks) to keeping your teeth healthy this Halloween.
Halloween is full of tricks, treats, and if you devour too much candy, cavities. Halloween is full of sugary treats that oral bacteria thrives on and cavities form from. To make sure you stay cavity-free this Halloween, here are 3 friendly and simple tricks to help prevent cavities:
Trick 1: Eat candy in moderation. Eating candy in moderation will give your teeth a breakand will help prevent cavities.
Trick 2: Set a time to eat candy. Setting a time to eat a piece or two of candy will help you eat it in moderation.
Trick 3: Hand out healthier Halloween substitute. Substituting one piece of candy for an apple, a box of raisins or sugar-free gum can help reduce the number of cavities and tooth decay.
Halloween is a fun holiday, but don’t turn it into an oral nightmare. Eat candy in moderation, set a scheduled time to eat a piece or two, and try handing out a healthier substitute. All these things may not guarantee a cavity-free smile, but they definitely are a start to prevention.
Make sure to REQUEST A CONSULTATION at Desert Ridge Dental after Halloween to get an even healthier smile.
Happy Halloween!