A close-up black-and-white photo of a person flossing their teeth, with a big smile showing clean, well-aligned teeth.

When is Flossing a bad idea?

Has the Waterpik made Flossing a Thing of the Past? Do you ever accidentally yank your dental floss through your teeth and hurt your gums?  Does your mouth bleed when you floss?  And do you find it difficult to maneuver your hands and fingers in your mouth while trying to properly clean the sides of your teeth?  Most people do.  …

A cheerful young boy with blonde hair, wearing an orange shirt, smiles widely while holding a green and blue toothbrush.

Soft Bristle Vs. Hard Bristle

Soft bristle vs. hard bristle, is one really better than the other? Don’t Make This Mistake! Everyone wants their teeth to be as clean as possible; that is why we brush twice a day and have regular dental check-ups. Good oral hygiene boosts both personal confidence and over-all health. Those who neglect their oral hygiene are at a drastically increased …

A joyful young woman with long blonde hair and bright green glasses smiles widely, showcasing her perfectly aligned teeth.

How to Care for Porcelain Veneers

Maintaining Your Flawless Smile with Porcelain Veneers Porcelain veneers are a great investment for those of us who need a little extra help to have a flawless smile.  A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain that is adhered to the surface of a tooth to alter the appearance, size or shape of the tooth.  Veneers are not intended to …

A happy couple posing together against a white background. The woman, with long dark hair and a radiant smile, is standing in front, wearing a white shirt and light gray cardigan. The man, with short brown hair and wearing a light blue shirt, stands behind her with his arms around her, looking at her with a gentle smile.

6 Month Braces

Do 6 Month Braces Actually Work? Memories of youth are often lit up by the light reflecting off of someone’s metallic braces.  Traditional treatment with those monstrosities lasted for years and was really crippling to self-esteem during that formative time.  Worse yet, if you didn’t get to have braces in your youth, thoughts of finally straightening your teeth as an adult …

A close-up image of a smiling young girl with curly hair. She has bright, expressive eyes and a radiant smile, showcasing her clean, white teeth.

Tooth Colored Fillings or Silver Fillings

Silver or Tooth Colored Fillings: Explaining Your Options Cavities are just a part of life.  When you need a filling, there are two options: tooth colored fillings and silver fillings. Tooth Colored Fillings Tooth colored fillings are technically “composite” fillings, meaning that the material used to create the filling is made of a type of resin.  This resin includes elements …

a person's mouth, showing clean, white teeth and healthy gums. A dental mirror is held up to reflect the teeth, highlighting their alignment and cleanliness. The overall impression is one of good oral hygiene and professional dental care.

Halitosis, Anyone?

How to Avoid Clearing the Room Everyone has had an experience with a close-talker.  His unnerving nearness is eclipsed only by his use of breathy words to tell you about…wait, what was he saying?  Nobody knows; they were all too busy holding their breath and devising an exit strategy.  Don’t be that guy; avoid social calamity by knowing what causes …