What Happens During a Root Canal
What Happens During a Root Canal?
You’ve probably heard a lot about root canals, and most of it doesn’t necessarily sound like fun. But a root canal really isn’t so bad. Advances in dentistry have made this option one of the easier and more effective ones for anyone who is having problems with their teeth. Fillings, crowns, and other procedures sometimes need to have a root canal along with them, as well. It’s an important, and often very necessary, dental procedure in some cases. Here’s what to know about what root canals are, and what happens during one.
What’s a Root Canal, Really?
A root canal is a procedure that removes a tooth’s nerve. That eliminates pain in that tooth and also limits the risk of future infections. Root canals can let you keep your tooth, instead of having it extracted. They’re also generally less painful than extractions and are often performed when someone gets a crown. By adding a root canal to other dental procedures, there’s less potential for pain or other problems in the future, and that can make for better dental health in the long run.
Why Would a Root Canal be Necessary?
Root canals are typically performed when bacteria has gotten to the pulp of the tooth, which is the innermost layer. These bacteria can cause inflammation, infection, and discomfort, all of which add up to a bad time. Eventually, the inflammation in the pulp can cause the death of the tooth, which makes it much more susceptible to infections that can be very painful and can also spread to other areas of the body. Choosing to have a root canal stops that problem in its tracks, helping to keep you and your teeth healthier.
What Happens When You Have a Root Canal?
When you have a root canal, your dentist will remove the infected or inflamed pulp from the inside of the tooth. The entire tooth (inside and out) will then be cleaned and disinfected carefully, and then the inside of it will be filled with a material that’s a lot like rubber. The tooth will then be sealed, and then restored with a filling or crown.
After that, it will work just like any other tooth and should provide the normal sensation for things like biting and chewing. Root canals can save teeth that would otherwise have to be pulled due to pain, infection, and related types of problems.
Is a Root Canal Right for You?
Ready to talk to a professional about whether a root canal is best for your troublesome tooth? Reach out to us today at Desert Ridge Dental to learn more. You can get all the latest information about root canals, and discuss any other options that might work for your situation. Taking care of your teeth is important, and having the right people on your side matters. We’re happy to answer your questions and provide the knowledge you’re looking for, so you can make an informed decision about your dental health.